The differences between Degradable, Biodegradable and Compostable

The differences between degradable, biodegradable and compostable. They get mixed up a lot and even some people within the industry don’t necessarily understand the differences.

Degradable just means that something will fall apart into smaller piece. It can be oxo-degradable, that’s degradable by exposure to air. One of the common areas we find this is supermarket bags.

You will all have seen a supermarket bag that says”I am good for the environment, I am degradable”

What it is, is a conventional plastic shopping bag made of oil, that’s been treated with heavy chemicals to make it all apart when it gets exposed to air and sunlight. People really hate these things because what it ends up as is small pieces of plastic that go through the environment and can be eaten.

So we never sell anything that has been made “degradable”. To us, it is would be better to have the nondegradable plastic bag, because at least it is going to stay in one piece so that we can potentially pick it out of the environment.

Biodegradable means that a product can be eaten by microorganisms. “Bio” means it can be turned back into earth.  Something biodegradable is, like fallen leaves, that’s going to turn into earth and dirt.

Biodegradable means it is going to be eaten by microorganisms but it could take a long time to do it.

Composable means it is a combination so it means biodegradable, it will be eaten by microorganisms, but it also means that it will happen within the space of one commercial composting cycle. So I guess this is where the boundaries are set up.

To be certified commercially compostable it has to be proven that a product will compost within one composting cycle in a commercial facility. 99% of the biodegradable catering that we sell is also certified commercially compostable and that’s always the preference.

Occasionally, for example, the wooden cutlery is biodegradable but not compostable, just because it’s quite thick so it takes a little bit more time to compost.
So when choosing products, compostable is fantastic because it’s going to biodegrade in the shortest time frame.

Biodegradable is also pretty good because we know it’s going to turn back into the earth so it’s basically made from plant-based materials.
Degradable is something that we avoid and especially in terms of the green bags that we see the word “degradable” on.

The paper straws are 100% biodegradable, and also compostable at the same time. Because it can be eaten by microorganisms and will turn into earth within 6 months.

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